
You're Missing The Gratitude Factor

Looking at life and living full of gratitude allows you to accept those things that you have no control over and appreciate the life you're living.

I have been doing an exercise since September when I realized I was ungrateful for the one thing that allowed so much goodness into my life. It has caused me to grow and I can see that gratitude is definitely a growth magnet!

Every day, I began writing what I was grateful for:
  • My brothers, sisters, and family
  • Our home
  • Our thriving business
  • Our five children
  • These incredible oils have made 'living' simple
I was humbled as I was reminded that there is 'gratitude' woven into everything I have been given and everything I have received.

I started this practice because I noticed that as each milestone, goal, or adventure in my life passed by I wasn't acknowledging it. I had mentally, physically, and spiritually moved on without taking note of the accomplishment and opportunity I had been given. I was simply living without acknowledging the time, skill, commitment, and so much more in every element of my life.

With this realization, I came up with some tips to not let life simply pass me by, and I think they'll help you, too!

Make A List

Create a list of all the things you are grateful for. This will show your blind spots. Where have you moved on without a second thought? Where do you need to circle back with full gratitude?

Be The Light

Simply put, forget what other people are doing. Let go of what others may say about you; it’s not important. Your light should not be dimmed by what others say or do; it needs to shine brightly based on what you believe and say of yourself.

Be Successful + Praise Others

When you see success, own it! You worked hard to achieve it. You need to take time to celebrate it and be grateful for it. Likewise, when you see others' success, celebrate them and be grateful for all that you have and they have.

Add Value To Your Home

You already add value to your home, but what small actions can you take to brighten the day of those you live with or improve how you live? Maybe you take some tips from Marie Kondo, maybe it's leaving a nice note every once in a while for your spouse. The effort you put into your home will flow over to your career, your community, and out into the world.

Believe In Your Work

Believe in what you are doing so big and so full of gratitude that others will want to light the world with you in ways that build beautiful communities with strong voices.

Create Daily Value

Create daily value with your strengths. Be yourself & others will love you more for it. Be fully grateful. Perhaps a little bit of spikenard essential oil to help you on your way.


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