
3 Tips To Keep Tummy Troubles Away

Stomach issues hit you at the worst times! Whether it's on vacation, during your favorite meal of the year, or just in the middle of the week when you don't have time to feel poorly.

Overall, no one wants tummy troubles to keep them down. Here are my top tricks to avoiding them and combatting them when they've arrived!

Tip #1 Keep Peppermint Handy

Peppermint has so many uses, and calming upset stomachs is one of them! You can add a drop (or just a toothpick amount) into a glass of water, diffuse it to help relieve stomach stress, apply on pressure points, or apply directly to your stomach.

Whether you have a bottle of peppermint, a roller bottle (which is pre-diluted), a beadlet that can act as a breath freshener, or a capsule - peppermint can be used in a variety of ways and help you in many of its forms!

Tip #2 Know The Power Of Three

Did you eat too much on Thanksgiving? Do you feel like the seasonal nasties may be coming on? Maybe you think you ate something that's not sitting right. The power of three will help keep your belly happy! This magical trifecta is peppermint, copaiba, and Digestzen!

Combine a drop or two of each into a veggie capsule and ingest or layer onto your belly, peppermint, copaiba, and then Digestzen.

Tip #3 Fight Nausea With Ginger

It's not anything new that ginger helps with nausea - what does everyone turn to with upset stomachs? Ginger ale and saltines, right? Instead of potentially making things worse with the sugar and carbonation in ginger ale, find a bottle of ginger essential oil.

Rub a couple of drops onto your belly or pressure points and then layer a drop or two of Digestzen on top to relax and help that nausea dissipate!

You can also diffuse ginger alone!

Don't be left feeling gross this holiday season or let seasonal upsets hold you back. Fight them with these tips and one of the handiest oils - peppermint!

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