
Do You Apply The Golden Rule With Yourself?

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” #thegoldenrule

Most of the time we do not apply the golden rule to ourselves. We treat ourselves not only poorly, but cruelly, in a way that we would never even consider treating someone else! Why is it that when there is a rainbow of life awaiting us every day, finding joy in it doesn't come easily?

Being kind to ourselves is a choice that takes thought and time.

Daily Practice Of Knowing We Are Enough

What tools do you have to help you know you are enough and to treat yourself better each day? Having daily rituals to keep you motivated and on track, help to remind you that you are doing it right.

There is no right or wrong when it comes to daily rituals, just that you will follow through and actively participate in them. My daily rituals are:
  • Setting my intention first thing in the morning and asking for direction
  • Connecting with God
  • Giving thanks 
  • Nutrition
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Exercise
  • Loving out loud! Not a typo, truly loving out loud is being real and thoughtful about my interactions.
  • Essential oils (no surprise there!)
I welcome you to incorporate any of these into your daily ritual or to think of things you know will help you become grateful and kind to yourself.

Blessing Your Day With Essential Oils

One aspect of my daily ritual I recommend you apply is essential oils. I have many different essential oils from doTERRA [LINK TO DOTERRA PAGE], but you don't need every oil in the book to support your body and your mindset through essential oils.

Here's a small look into my essential oil rituals and uses:
  • Yuzu to get my mind open to self-kindness
  • A DNA oil blend for thyroid support 
  • Myrrh for thyroid support
  • Copaiba for thyroid and body support
  • Deep Blue Rub or Deep Blue for my workout
  • Tangerine or wild orange in my hair for the aroma, happy feelings of YUM!
All of these things remind me to be kind to myself and prepare me for who I am to serve daily. I invite you to use these essential oils and to find more that help your daily rituals and your personal kindness.

Do you have daily rituals? Share them with me in the comments!


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