
Finding Calm In The Chaos of Life

In October I had the opportunity to visit Marrakesh and upon leaving I took a deep breath in. The smells of jasmine, rose, and spice filled my mind with gratitude for the stillness that I’d been able to experience while there on retreat.

The whole trip gave me moments of peace, a time to reset and prepare for the next chapter and connected me more deeply with my intuition!

I believe everyone can receive personal insight, moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day, if we will just stop and listen.

We all have special traits that help us stand out and achieve in life. I’m an activator, and as an activator I strategically plan and fill my day. Before I did this (and even now, occasionally), I ended up with crazy scenarios and had so much chaos in my life because I was always trying to start something new.

Can you relate? Visiting Marrakesh gave me the opportunity to tame the crazy activator brain of mine, but more importantly, it helped me find an oil to focus at home.

Jasmine essential oil helps me to calm down, get centered, go inside and really listen, knowing that I have all the answers within.

The next time you feel wrapped up in chaos and are searching for some calm and direction, turn to Jasmine and let me know if the comments how it has helped you.


Comments (1)


Sherri Niemela

Jan 11, 2019 04:26 PM EDT

I am an Activator too - #4. I love your description of Jasmine so I searched for mine - I think there was a touch in the gift basket I won at Convention - so lucky - could not find - found a 5ml - decided to accept its benefits!

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